(706) 869-5565
Dr. Robyn (Hawkins) Merritt
Dr. Robyn worked in a chiropractic office while working on her undergraduate studies She was amazed by the changes she saw in each patient. She then enrolled at Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, SC. There she earned her degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic.
She is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and holds additional certifications to help a wide variety of people, including pregnant women, infants, and children. She is also certified in the Atlas Orthogonal technique with focuses on precise alignment of the neck.
Her mission as a chiropractor is to help patients discover a means of wellness-based healthcare. Helping patients enjoy the things they love by actively participating in their health is the ulimate goal.
She was born and raised in the CSRA, growing up in the small town of Jackson, SC. She is happy to serve Augusta and the surrounding area.